Suzuki Method

The Suzuki Method involves the parent and child in learning an instrument together. The parent attends lesson alone for six to eight weeks to prepare for his/her role as home teacher, and subsequently attends all lessons with the child.

Students learn at home and in the studio in an atmosphere of patience, praise, and encouragement. Lessons can begin at age three or four, or as late as eight or nine. Daily listening to recordings of the Suzuki repertoire helps the student to learn the pieces by ear and at his own pace. This way the instructor has more freedom to teach playing with beautiful tone and phrasing.

Suzuki lessons include regular review of pieces, which builds confidence and security in performing. Music reading is usually introduced when the student has completed the first volume of pieces and has a firm grasp of aural and technical skills. This is comparable to how a child learns first to speak and later to read his native language. Thus, Shinichi Suzuki, who developed this educational philosophy, calls it mother-tongue learning.

Younger Suzuki students learn pre-reading concepts in bi-weekly group classes. Students and parents are schedule so they can observe other students’ lessons, since children learn and are motivated by watching their peers. A non-competitive and supportive atmosphere is established in these lessons.

Parents interested in enrolling in Suzuki lessons observed several lessons and have an orientation with either their Suzuki teacher or the school director.

Talent is not inborn, it is developed in the proper environment.
– Shinichi Suzuki